22 May 2019


As week 6 ends, here is a round up of what my team, the Research and Development team, did to contribute to PIXEL. At the end of last week, I received a response from a vegan ice-cream company I had reached out to about sponsoring and collaborating with at our PIXEL event. The respondent, Ms Viennet, mentioned that they could provide ice cream and put up a banner and hand out flyers. I passed along her details to the Events team so that they could confirm it and work alongside her. Details are pictured below.

As a team, we carried on working on our research report but unfortunately couldn't complete it as we were missing some people who had the InDesign report on their laptop so we spent time discussing what content we would include in the report and mentioned to the branding team if they'd be willing to help edit and help with the design of the document so that it would be as on brand as possible. We summarised and completed all the content that will be included in the branded research report, which has been included below.



© Erika Hanson. Design by FCD.